You know you’re getting old when you go to bed relatively healthy and wake up injured.

I was going to be excited about shopping for a Christmas tree until I was about to do it.

Leaves should first be raked and blown secondly (said no one ever).

The cold weather is good for snuggling.

In these days of economizing, it’s okay for it to be only a two-dog night.

I maintain consciousness better when typing standing up; it’s a good thing I have an adjustable height control on my desk.

Since good blood flow is conducive to pounding out blog posts, standing up is typically the way to go for me.

However, my contrarian nature precludes my ability to do all things the masses do.

So, I’m typing this sitting down in the hopes that I maintain just enough blood flow to get through it.

Do you, like me, have old printers lying around that need re-purposing or recycling?

I am all about digital signatures, so it’s rare to sign a printed paper and return it via snail mail.

Which makes me wonder how is that the U.S. Postal service stays afloat?

If you google it, I imagine it’d be because of the volume of junk mail requiring delivery.

A business model that depends on junk mail being the predominant profit driver is not sustainable.

Well, it might be until the population that grew up writing letters entirely ages out.

Time for a subheader to potentially boost readership

I’m drinking my first cup of hot tea in over a year, and it is good.

I love one-sentence paragraphs so much that I use them infrequently.

Turning off the hardware acceleration feature in Chrome is one recommended way of improving the browser’s performance.

Give it a try, and you may find your browsing in Chrome speeds up.

Please don’t say you never learn anything when reading my stuff. You know you occasionally do.

I’ve had readers suggest to me that one-sentence paragraphs are prose.

I took the suggestion with a grain of salt.

Recent studies reveal the optimal time to fall asleep is between 10 and 11 p.m.

The problem for me is it’s hard for me to stay up that late and still feel rested when I wake up at 4:45 a.m.

A twinge of sadness befell me at the sight of an old printer on the bookshelf.

Technology advancements wait for no person.

The tea is so good I’ll have another cup soon.

One of the best things about washer and dryer appliances is they work well independently.

Other than possible discounts, why do people only purchase a matching washer and dryer set to locate them in unfinished basement areas?

I do not know if I can wait until Christmas for new slippers.

Like hitting the sweet spot, inspiration comes in many forms.

Zorin 16 on a mini personal computer is my daily driver.

An Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz still exceeds expectations.

Just like you on your good days.