I have never taken a poll, but I’m thinking Friday is the most popular day of the week due to it coming at the end of every week.

Monday does not fare as well since it’s the start of most people’s workweek.

At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, I occasionally like to start with subject matter that many folks occasionally take for granted, or at least recognize without having to do research.

Now off to the next thing.

Various powers continue to remind me that my search engine optimization (SEO) efforts for this site are lacking.

What I say in return is that this is by design.

I have a lot to concern myself with. But, unfortunately, SEO is typically not in the mix of things I worry about. Besides, being near or at the front of Google search listings is overrated.

For example, I do not receive an award, commendation, medal or certificate of appreciation if I do appear at the top of anyone’s Google search query.

Not because I’m mercenary, but getting more hits is the only thing worthwhile about SEO optimization. And again, it does not matter to me because that does not particularly benefit or appeal to me in the least,


Because if your blog is your hobby or one of them, more hits are not really much incentive to use SEO.


Because I’ve found, “If you just write it, people will come.”

Enough said.

Weather outlook

I think with a little effort, this site could become very popular with meteorologists.

It’s not because of all of the weather graphics I use.

In fact, I don’t use very many graphics at all. This is because I don’t want to risk this site becoming a photo album, or in the case of weather-related images, a weathered album.

Whether or not you are interested in more posts mentioning the weather, you will get another weather mention now.

Fires out west

High temperatures, humidity, and hurricane season in the other direction.

It’s summer, folks.

Accordingly, let’s hope the firefighters can minimize damage to both forests and themselves as they go about their work.

Back east, we all need to try and do a better job of remaining cool when it’s sticky and hot out. Also, hurricanes need not appear at all. Wishful thinking, I know, but still, usually nothing good comes of those that make landfall.

And now on to the next thing.

I’m torn between chicken biryani and chicken saag for dinner tonight.

It’s been a while since we’ve had Indian food.

Chicken saag used to be my go-to

But for some reason, chicken biryani sounds like a plan for this evening’s sup.

We will have to see whether or not Mama Bear feels the same way.

Now off to yet another thing.

I haven’t mentioned it in quite some time, but I’ve grown tired of using email and want science to go about the business of successfully bringing teleportation online.

I don’t mean online as on the Internet, either.

What I mean is if we had the power to teleport ourselves, we would not need email as we could literally enjoy face time with whomever we communicate with.

Email seems so 90s to me. It’s archaic, behind the times, and should have been rendered obsolete years ago.

Teleportation stations would be how I’d roll out this technology. Then, once it’s perfected, it could be approved for individual use.

I know; I tend to get carried away on Fridays.

Let’s see what else comes to pass in this second edition of the roaring 20s.

Why can’t I end this piece gracefully?

Nothing like a post being over…finally.