I’m somewhat out of sorts.
I was prompted to try the new WordPress editor.
So I did.
And here I am.
With a bad case of writer’s block.
It must be the new editor.
I’m typically not averse to trying new things.
And I’ve worked with all types of editors–some even have smoked cigars and cussed.
I have no problem with change except when it is changing for the sake of change.
In some cases such as underwear, regular change is both appreciated and recommended.
But when it comes to good software, I prefer a consistent interface that incorporates minor tweaks and adjustments as it evolves.
I was impressed by the last sentence.
And one good sentence deserves another. When one sentence is good it serves as a foundation of quality for other sentences to follow.
Good software is familiar and efficient.
Until it is made irrelevant by bigwigs who demand a complete rebuild.
Again, I was impressed by the previous sentence, this time due to the use of the almost extinct word bigwigs.
We’re going in a new direction, the old editor is not up to par anymore and this new editor will bring us into the 21st century are some of the statements that were probably bandied about before setting sail on this new editor voyage.
Once more I loved the previous sentence–this time because of the word bandied being resurrected from its icy repose.
Suddenly, as if the clouds are parting, my writer’s block is lifting or so it appears.
It’s strange.
But, I can feel my strength returning.
Maybe there is something to this new editor after all.
I’m no longer out of sorts.
I feel energized.
There a strange sense of familiarity that is setting in, though.
It’s as if this WordPress editor feels no different than the most recent one (block editor) I used. It’s certainly very similar if not identical.
The only thing that bears mentioning is Grammarly is not working.
It’s a recalcitrant beast, though.
Anyway, this new editor is way different than the classic editor WordPress still has.
Do my fingers feel more relaxed?
Why yes, I believe they do.

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com
I haven’t gripped the mouse in a death lock in over 10 minutes, which precludes the length of time I’ve been at this missive.
If being more relaxed is a benefit of using the new WordPress editor then I would gladly sign up to beta test it further.
It seems to be working quite well in Chromium (the Linux version of Chrome).
Perhaps I should try it out in Firefox before jumping to sing the new editor’s praises.
I feel as if I’m on to something.
Like I can tell a story again.
And like never before.
Perhaps that’s exaggerating.
Whenever has a constant stream of sentences ever substituted for a story?
I took three breaks writing this so far.
Granted, they all were for less than a couple of minutes.
I opened a bottle of wine for my wife to use in making her world-famous Bolognese.
I’d continue but now just as soon as I thought it had lifted, my writer’s block has returned with a vengeance.
Guess I’m back to square one. Writer’s block, square one, get it?
I didn’t think so.