The squirrel was diligent, feasting away on the remaining half of pumpkin it had procured during the previous week of heavy foraging.

It rocked the pumpkin carcass back and forth several times before jumping off and scurrying away after it noticed my eyeballs on the creature.

With Halloween coming to a close with the stroke of midnight, the cold, harsh reality of time elapsing has washed over us all, and not a comforting realization at all.

Even when you spend most of your time indoors, time waits for no one.

You might be bored, and time will still pass.

A masterpiece of blogging is underway. Time will still pass.

All of this thinking makes me aware that the seasons’ changing is one way we track time.

As I sit thinking about all of this, I realize time’s passing is not a particularly pleasant thought, at least not for me.

Whatever happened to endless summers?

They never existed in the first place.

What about the whole early to bed, early to rise tenet of timekeeping that emphasizes the optimal times to both take sleep and wake up?

Nothing whatsoever related to time can be applied to or utilized by everyone.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Perhaps certain statements regarding time only resonate with those select people of a certain age.

Birthdays mark the passage of time.

Sometimes people don’t celebrate their birthdays.

I used to be one of them.

Now, I celebrate as often as possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday or not, either. I think it necessary to celebrate each day you are alive and breathing.

Maybe it would be hard to celebrate each day alive on the planet.

You could try being grateful as an alternative.

When someone asks me what I’m going to do today, they ask me what I will do with the day.

It takes planning to arrive at an appropriate answer.

If you have appointments, however, you can reply accordingly.

But if your schedule is completely open, it causes you to celebrate and use the day for your purposes.

If you had only one day left on the planet, what would you do?

My answer is that I wouldn’t put any pressure on myself to do anything.

We apply pressure all day long, every day, and that’s not how I’d be spending my last 24 hours.

You may be thinking this piece is getting negative, but I am positive it is not.

I think the thing most lacking on any given day is fun.

Watching the news is not fun.

Surfing the web used to be fun, but now it’s an exercise in avoiding all of the stories that journalists interject their own opinions.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a roller-coaster.

I’m talking about a real one, not the roller-coaster that is life.

Calling life a roller-coaster is not fun.

Being on an actual roller-coaster is.

Where can I find a roller-coaster to ride on the first day of November?

And who would like to join me?

You are all very welcome to enjoy the ride with me.

The squirrel watching along the way is free of charge.