Anger is one of those emotions that is frighteningly immediate and clouds our judgment. It causes us to make decisions in haste. These decisions are not as good as ones made when we are fully in control of our emotions.
The best advice I ever gave someone who came to me upset over something was to wait until they could disengage from the situation and separate themselves from it for at least twelve hours. I told them it was preferable they give it 24 hours or more as our minds tend to circle back too frequently if we don’t allow enough time to think over an important decision.

Sometimes life comes at us fast and we have to make snap judgements. If we are fortunate, they work out well for us. When we are faced with life and death types of scenarios, we quickly choose an outcome that involves our body performing actions without benefit of our minds deliberating them. This is a good thing because in these instances we probably don’t have the luxury of time to decide what to do; we act instinctively and rightfully so.
Emotions show (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When it comes to job offers, however, it’s typically best to leave instincts out of the decision-making process. The best decisions we make are the ones where we can think things through and mull decisions over. If the devil is in the details, then we need the benefit of ample time before we act. We need time to figure out what is best for us.
If someone or a company is trying to make you rush to accept an offer, even if you want the job, excuse me, work opportunity, you better put them off overnight. If they tell you they want your decision within the hour, run like hell.

I don’t let my hand be forced by third parties, nor do I recommend anyone else afford others the ability to pressure them into changes perhaps not in their best interest.

Similar to “sales that won’t last,” it is merely a ploy to get you to decide something before you can flesh out whether or not it’s right for you. I equate the 24-hour waiting period with simplicity. Simplicity provides peace of mind by virtue of the fact it is uncomplicated. Things and decisions someone or something is trying to push you into typically involve complications of the sort you don’t want any part of. Don’t end up wishing you would have read the fine print before signing on the dotted line.
If you are angry or upset and have a bad day on the job you need time away to heal, even if it’s just overnight. If you are regularly becoming angry and upset on your job, it is time to consider what needs to change. Get in the habit of disengaging from whatever it is that bothered you on the job and then thinking clearly without emotion clouding your judgment.

English: Emotions

English: Emotions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Being in control of our emotions and projecting calm at all times is not always easy. We are frequently in the midst of turbulence. By taking the time to restock the personal resources that maintaining composure can drain, however, we are well on our way to immediate survival. And once we survive the crisis before us, we are capable of making the kinds of good decisions that can deliver us from pain and failure in the future.