I’m fortunate to live in a town where if I leave the house and start driving, I can easily turn around should I find I’m missing my wedding band. I’m glad I can because I feel naked without it and it reminds me of my biggest commitment.
Feeling for my ring is symbolic of remembering and honoring the commitments I make in my personal and professional life. I would suggest it should be for everyone else as well.
When we “feel for our rings,” our bodies are acting with integrity—and all without benefit of our minds detailing everything every step of the way. More of how our minds interfere with this process in a bit.
We all have commitments to one another in our professional workplace settings.
Our co-workers, by virtue of their acting with integrity toward all, end up becoming people who we have some of the best friendships in our lives with.
We don’t always agree with the policies of our employers, but we try not to disappoint those we work with day in and day out. Our bosses (while we strive to meet and exceed their performance benchmarks) have to act with integrity and fairness. And it’s not always easy being fair, either, as they sometimes are tough on us. But, they, too, must feel for their rings as they go about the business of being the boss.
A white gold wedding ring. Photograph taken by CLW and released into the public domain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our minds can unnecessarily complicate feeling for our rings. When I rub my thumb against my ring finger and don’t feel my ring, my body reacts immediately to inform me something is wrong. I haven’t had to use the, “I had to turn around and go back and get my ring,” excuse for being late for an appointment, yet, either. But, I gladly would. As I said, though, I don’t have to get on the highway and so can easily double back to the homestead if I forget the ring.
Our commitments are our promises to not disappoint. They are our contracts with one another that we will do what we say we will do. Feeling for the ring and having it be there become habit over time. So does our ability to act with honor and integrity.
Success means nothing if you’ve lied and cheated to get there. The reputations of those whose success has come at the expense of others are sullied. Our words should be consistent with the act of habitually feeling for our rings. They should be an extension of the good habits we form when functioning at our highest levels.

English: Farmland near Norton Forge Looking across towards the Devil’s Ring and Finger in Oakley Park. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We try not to let down the important people in our lives—our significant others, our co-workers and our pets, too (from which we can all learn valuable lessons regarding unconditional love).
You may never make a million dollars (I remember when that was a whole lot of money), but if you “feel for your ring” and make sure it’s there, your life is not without great successes.