Hello all you lovely readers.

It is hard to describe what I’m feeling right now.

Taking time off from writing is hard to do, especially when you need to continue to write regularly in order to stay relevant in the blogosphere.

So, I guess my relevancy has diminished to the point where no one is really surprised I’m writing again as much as wondering where an old hack like myself goes to rejuvenate themselves.

Life is a rejuvenating force all its own. There are times that words are not enough and we let our emotions do the talking, which is not altogether bad. It’s actually good for the soul to emote much like a dog does. Dogs cannot speak, but they can bark. They let you know without speaking whether they are happy, sad, or indifferent.

Speaking of all things communication-related, I’ve noticed there is no shortage of AI involved with blogging and writing and communicating these days. We will explore that as opportunities surface. For now, we are just going to be content with letting my fingers do the walking towards newer technology and devices, which is how I like it.

One of the last experiences I had with search engine optimization or SEO for short, was engaging in and with things that are supposed to improve your writing. I tried out a few of the popular software applications back in the day, and came away largely unimpressed with the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach many of these writing aids utilized.

So far so good I say with respect to machines being able to outwrite me. I am still going to come up with things that robotic authors can only dream of. If I was once described as pretty prolific, so far, I can still determine what’s been written by AI and what’s been penned by human hands.

WordPress was and is still pushing block editors as their default writing incubator. Fortunately I’m still able to use the classic editor which is more to my liking. Blocks are good for construction workers, not writers. White blank canvasses are still what I prefer to look at when sitting down at the keyboard to tickle the ivories.

AI may be making inroads but I’m not sure it’ll ever take the place of everything, especially things like creative endeavors, the “singularity” notwithstanding.

I understand it’s a thing to give ourselves to the promise of technology and recently AI. I know it’s easy to get carried away to the confusion bin when it’s time to change up a device or tool or software application you have gotten used to. But progress marches on.

Progress can be measured in a lot of things that have occurred recently and for me one of them is the ability to further monetize this blog. It’s a necessary evil finding side hustles these days in order to keep up with inflation. Towards this end I’ve supplemented Google Ads with Amazon’s Affiliate program. Accordingly, feel free to click and make an Amazonian purchase.

It’s been a minute. Helping this old friend make a few more shekels may make you feel good.

More to come and that’s all for now.