I can guarantee you it won’t be a long, hot summer.

In fact, I’m pretty sure that while it may be hot, the summer won’t be any longer than it is usually.

Each season has 90 days, so it’s probably the heat that will make it seem longer.

We all are noticing how warm it is outside.

There does not seem to be a respite from the heat.

I tried dressing lighter, but I ended up getting a sunburn in the spots my tank top did not cover as I mowed the lawn.

What’s a guy to do?

Think positively!

Try to avoid negative thoughts.

For some people, avoiding negative thoughts is like trying not to eat–it’s not easy to do.

One of the best strategies I can offer for beating the heat is to just take it easy.

There’s nothing like a good course of inaction according to some contractors.

On days like today, and at any given intersection or back yard with fence construction going on, you might observe one or no laborers working, while the rest are either standing or sitting around; those sitting are typically found under the shade of a nearby tree.

It all has to do with thinking positively.

I know my outlook would have been brighter in my younger day if I could have had a job where that was allowed.

On to other things

Everyone is handing the Yankees the World Series championship this year based on a small sample size to date.

Yes, they’re playing great baseball.

But, like any given season, is their level of play sustainable?

I hope I’m proven wrong, but I’m fairly confident this streak of good luck, power hitting and pitching will come to an end sooner than later.

It’s better to be lucky than good

There are plenty of good things in life that seem to happen with some luck.

Sometimes you’re in the right place at the right time.

Other times, you’ve prepared like crazy for that big exam or test and still end up failing it miserably.

It’s hard to remain positive when life’s failures begin to stack up on you.

I always say the best is either just around the corner or still to come.

And I believe that.

If it’s not true, then perhaps at least my health benefits from staying positive in all that I do.

You have to believe that ultimately in order to be successful at any given thing, you’re gonna need some help along the way. Whether or not that is something lucky happening, or receiving some help from a stranger or more likely, someone you know, you won’t get far doing things exclusively on your own unless one or the other intervenes.

What have we learned?

I think in a lot of ways we all can appreciate that no matter how good you are at beating the heat, or whatever your super talent is, somewhere, some time we all need to at least know somebody that knows somebody else that can help you.

So, get yourself out there, stay positive, minimize the negative, be grateful, and let someone know you appreciate them.