After not using my personal computers for some time, once I resume use, I notice, or at least perceive, some slowdowns on the machines running Windows 10.

Bloated to begin with, Windows can suffer from creep after a lot of use over the years. Every time I think I’m removed from this phenomenon, Microsoft reminds me no one is exempt when my machine’s performance deteriorates.

I typically do nuke and pave the entire lot whenever this occurs to take the repair path of least resistance.

There are clean-up utilities you can explore to attempt to at least remove some of the gunk that Windows becomes gummed up with. I’ve tried most of them, however, with mixed results at best.

I’ve found using Disk Cleanup is a good stopgap when it comes to restoring performance. The biggest performance improvement is experienced when removing old Windows 10 update files, which take up a lot of space.

If you’re like me and still use SATA drives, periodically running Disk Cleanup helps keep the mouse pointing and clicking responsive.

Good weather helps everything

Eighty degrees and low humidity. I thought it could never be during summer’s first week. But I was wrong. We have had a beautiful couple of days in the Bluegrass state. Let’s hope it holds up.

I couldn’t believe we walked the dogs this morning with the thermometer registering 57 degrees. I wore a light jacket.

Things are crazy for sure, and the weather currently is no exception.

Baseball issues

Eliminate the shift or at least limit how far out of position defensive players can go.

Just quit the whole 7-inning doubleheader game business nonsense.

Do away with the three-batter minimum or whatever minimum it is for relief pitchers.

There are other recent rule changes I’d like to see go bye-bye, but I can’t think of them.

Baseball is unlike any other sport. It’s as much an experience as it is a sport.

True fans appreciate that the games are not on a clock of any kind.

Analytics and data mining is fine. They don’t and can’t account for what baseball delivers every game: something unexpected that no other game driven by a clock can bring, measure, quantify, or qualify—just my two cents.

Road rage and bad driving

With summer officially on the clock, you can bet your bottom dollar road rage and bad drivers are back at it in force.

If it’s not someone flipping you the bird for no reason (you can think of) or drivers changing lanes without signaling, you can expect the unexpected. Just like baseball, I suppose.

Except there are no stickum or foreign substances that bad drivers use; that craziness is limited to baseball pitchers.

Summing things up

With a recommendation to try something new in your computing life, such as Linux, we have now officially come full circle.

It’s one thing to talk about slow Windows 10 computers.

It’s another to solve this dilemma by migrating to a Linux variant such as Zorin.

You won’t become enraged using Linux, either.

Unless you try to utilize a banned substance commonly used and against the rules in baseball.