Because it can always get worse is the primary reason you should be thankful for the good things in life. No need to describe them here as they are different for everyone. But when things go less than swimmingly, we can sometimes lose sight of the fact we are pretty lucky overall and should be satisfied with the good things we do have.

When it comes to possessions, well, like the old saying goes, you can’t take them with you. I don’t collect things because other than a few pressing items regarding deadlines, I’m oblivious to the piles of work that sometimes lie untouched for days at a time. It is even worse with “things”—we file them away on shelves in closets or in basement bookcases, intending to one day get to them for filing and sorting. But some day typically doesn’t come around as regularly as we had hoped for when we first stashed those items.

I think it’s healthy to express gratitude as we go about our daily lives. A great example for me personally, was that today at my annual eye exam I was informed my eyesight had remained the same—20/20 with my glasses on. I am thankful for vision that has halted deteriorating for at least one year.
When I was younger I took my eyesight for granted. Now that I am in middle age, I am thankful it’s no worse this year than last. It may not seem like much, but it really is a lot to be glad about. When we’re young we don’t think about our vision unless we have bad vision as children. Even then, though, once we have the appropriate prescription, we take our ability to see well, for granted—until we get older.
Other things I’m grateful for when it comes to the business world, are all of the companies who choose to employ older workers. There is great value in hiring older workers and one of them is the gratitude they demonstrate as they go about their jobs. Older workers arrive early and stay late as necessary—even when they’re salaried.

Of course, there are slugs in the workplace that transcend all age groups, but for the most part, if you properly vet an older person before hiring them, you will not regret having them on the team.

Loyalty in the workplace, while not common these days, is something older workers can remember. They’ve typically worked during times when being loyal to companies increased their security and wellbeing on the job. Times nowadays see workers leaving after just two to three years and while older workers may jump at new opportunities, the number of open positions made available to this age group is not as high as for their younger counterparts.

Older workers’ loyalty can perhaps not be counted on, but it can at least be cultivated if they are treated fairly and rewarded for a job well done.
I’ve been writing since the days when the IBM Selectric Typewriter was the epitome of sleek high tech. The fact I can still perform the job on computers today finds me ever grateful for the opportunity to create, be read and also to re-learn the lessons of gratitude living in the digital age.