The presents are freshly undone not yet a week and many of us are feeling the tug of introspection.
A good deal of the populace goes into a funk around this time of year and while not always avoidable, how you deal with it or not is key to your survival.
For many it is an annual script that gets played out as we enter the holidays and feel the gnawing tug of loneliness and emptiness.
Some of us treat it like the break up of a long-standing relationship and try to stay as busy as possible.
With this tack we are creating diversions.
“Hey, look over there to the left!” And we proceed to move to the right.
Or vice versa.
By creating diversions we only postpone the inevitable reflection we do at this time of year.
The prospect of that self-analyzation is daunting and we beg off of it at each turn we can.
We read how it was the best year in someone else’s life.
And therein lies the rub.
The best year in someone else’s life.
I have heard of the Facebook phenomena where some people see pictures of other Facebook friends having fun and it makes them sad for not being able to have the same levels of fun; as if our lives are not as fun or meaningful by comparison. We want to unburden ourselves and not struggle any longer. After all, everyone else on Facebook is having the time of their lives. Why aren’t I?

Sadness (Photo credit: Alexis Tejeda)
Although we may try not to keep up with the Joneses, it is probably a part of human nature to do so. The competitive ones among us are especially prone to this idiom and thus perhaps fall into fresh, annual funks come the holidays.
We bemoan our lives at various times. We wonder why things happen. We are seeking meaning.
Part of all this is letting ourselves be free enough to let periods of darkness envelop us occasionally.
Provided we have no thoughts of hurting ourselves or others, I would suggest it is better to allow this cloak of negativity to drape over our shoulders. Let it have its time–for to ignore it, try to repress it, or try to engage in enough activity in the belief that it will simply leave us alone, is to underestimate the length, strength and depth of emotion that we as human beings possess.
Everyone gets the blues. I like playing the blues, but even Goodtime Charlie gets the blues. None of us are immune to them. To try to think positive most of the time is definitely the way to go as I have stated in past segments here. But now that I have reached the tender age that I have, I just let sadness in whenever it wants to. I am confident in the knowledge, much like tomorrow will be another day, that this inexplicable sadness won’t be around for long before it moves on again.
I have had friends check in with me before the holidays were upon us. They were letting me know they were going in to their cocoon of funk for a little while, they are fine, but would appreciate it if I would just leave them be until they spun their way out of self-imposed, funk-induced isolation.
Before I understood what I do now, I used to try to help by suggesting we do some stuff together and perhaps they would feel better.
I believe it is human nature to want to help others.
We find ourselves frustrated by our own funks and also those of our friends.
Be kind to yourselves and your friends while the funk has its way. It is not nearly as powerful as we would imagine. Its reign is also brief and temporary.
The unexplained sadness gives way to light like it always does.