It’s cool to be able to say something is cool just for the sake of being cool.

What makes sense most of the time to you may not make any sense to me.

How do we find common communication ground?

We start by thinking alike and letting one another know when it is we do that.

If we are thinking the same way or thinking the same way about something, the key is to express it to the other person before the moment passes.

It’s not completing someone’s sentence.

It’s not saying jinx after you both say the same word at the same time.

It’s not being in the same group on Facebook and wondering why you’re thinking alike regarding the group you’re both in.

I think once everyone is thinking the same way, then and only then will Twitter go away.

I find irony in private messages being anything but.

If classical music is old I’d like to play new classical. Hence we’d have new old music to go along with new age music. I think that would be nice.

The word drivel comes to mind occasionally.

Why is it that a project can be something kids do in science class and also be someone who will need a lot of hard work and training before they become a top of the rotation starting major league pitcher?

What is a groove? And what do you have to do in order to maintain one?

Why are grooves lost and found?

Why is the characterization middle of the road not considered praiseworthy? It seems to me that being in the middle of the road should be preferred, comparatively-speaking to either side of the road. For instance, if there were curbs on either side of the road, you might stub your toes when walking along the side of the road.

On the other hand, you’d be less likely to avoid an oncoming car when walking down the middle of the road. But a middle of the road effort by a pop artist could possibly lead to their becoming just an artist–for lack of good record sales.

So and so was the most popular girl in school. So what?

If we use our space heater to keep warm just think about what we could do with a galaxy heater.

Why do people want to break into my blog?

You could just email me if you want to know something about it.

It saddens me to think of all the attacks this site undergoes.

It also makes me think the people who try to hack me suck.

If I had an advisor, they would have advised me not to let readers know this.

But sites are hacked by hackers just for fun. I get it. But should that be considered a life worth leading?

You tell me.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I still can’t get over how much enjoyment I derive from reading the Sunday phone.

Are your kidneys able to thank you if you drink more water?


Then stop telling me they will.